16 of the Best Ways to Promote Your Fiverr Gig - Free and Paid Methods
What methods have you used to promote your Fiverr gig? Which ones worked? Which ones didn't? Let us know in the comments section below!
1) Introduction
Promoting your Fiverr gig is essential for success. No matter what price you set for your gig, it will be a complete waste if you do not promote it properly. Even though all promotion methods on Fiverr are free, there are some that are more effective than others. With that in mind, here is a list of 16 ways you can promote your gig using both free and paid methods.
1) Use Social Media (Free)
2) Create Quality Gigs (Free and Paid)
3) Contact people who might be interested in your services ()
4) Participate in Forum Discussions ()
5) Give Away Samples ()
6) Offer Discounts ()
2) Create a Professional Gig
Create a Professional-Looking Gig: Add a great photo, include clear and concise information about what you offer, and be sure to answer any questions potential customers might have in your gig description. You can also add a video preview or introduction as well. Make it easy for people to promote your gig by sharing it on social media with friends, family, and followers.
3) Use Good Images
An important part of promoting your gig is using high quality images. You want your images to be crisp, clear, and inviting so people will want to click on them. Here are some suggestions:
Use pictures that show off your work in a way that makes it easy for visitors to understand what it is you're selling.
4) Provide a Video
If you're looking for a way to promote your gigs on Fiverr, here are some SEO methods that will help you get more traffic. Do a video tutorial or demonstration of your gig in action, then upload it to YouTube or other video-sharing websites like Vimeo or Dailymotion.
5) Use SEO
In order to promote your Fiverr gig, you'll need a bit more than just a catchy title. There are several ways that you can get your product out there, all of which require time, money, or both. Which methods work best for you will depend on how much money you want to spend on promotion and how much time is available for promotion. Be sure to consider both before deciding which method is best for your needs.
1) Optimize Your Title
This is one of the simplest ways to promote your gig because it doesn't cost anything other than a little bit of time writing out an optimized title.
6) Use Relevant Tags
Fiverr is an excellent platform for selling your skills. One of the hardest parts about being on this site is figuring out how to use relevant tags in your gig.
7) Offer a Discount
Promoting your gig on social media is a great way to get new customers, but it's not always enough. Sometimes you just need a little extra push. If you're feeling lost when it comes to promotion, then this post is for you!
We've rounded up 16 tried-and-true ways on how to promote your gig free and paid methods alike. So scroll down, take a look at our list and find the best method that suits you!
8) Give a Freebie
Promoting your gigs doesn't have to cost a lot. Try these free methods for more exposure:
- Share your gig on social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, etc.
- Create a professional looking video on YouTube about your gig.
- Offer an incentive or discount on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter in order to get people's attention.
9) Use Social Media
Promoting your gig on social media should be one of the first things you do. Though, it's not as simple as just signing up for a Facebook or Twitter account. You need to know what content will resonate with your followers and provide them with some real value in order to gain traction.
10) Do Guest Posts
Guest posts are a great way to promote your Fiverr gig. You can also include a link back to your gig in the bio or at the bottom of the post. Guest blogging is also a great way to get yourself out there!
11) Forum Posting
The forums are a great place to promote your gig. There are many sub-forums where you can find people who might be interested in your services.
For example, if you're a graphic designer, head over to Graphic Design or Design. If you're a writer, head over to Writing.
You'll find that most people who hang out on these forums will be more than happy to read through your posts and provide feedback.
12) PPC Advertising
PPC advertising is key for a gig success. Here is the PPC examples:
1. Facebook Ads
2. Google Adwords
3. LinkedIn Ads
4. Twitter Ads
5. Pinterest Pins
13) Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is one of the best ways to promote your Fiverr gig. It's a process that involves finding influencers in your niche or industry, partnering with them on a campaign, and utilizing their audience for promotional purposes. It can be done through social media, blogging, or paid advertising.
14) Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to promote fiversr gigs. It's also a great way for you to earn some extra money. To set up an affiliate account, you need a website with your own domain name (or blog). You will then insert a link from your site that directs people back to your fiverrs page. Other methods you can use are social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.
15) Email Marketing
Email marketing is one way to promote your gig for free. In order for it to be successful, you'll need a well-written email with a strong call-to-action. You can also use email marketing as an opportunity to offer discounts or coupon codes in exchange for subscribers.
16) Conclusion
Thank you for reading! Here are sixteen different ways that you can promote your services on Fiverr, from free methods (e.g., guest posting) to paid methods (e.g., google adwords). Remember that when promoting your gig, it's important to be consistent with your message so make sure that you're using social media posts as well as other marketing tools in order to get your message out there.